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Zhong Jian Lian Biomedical Technology (Sichuan) Co., Ltd.

Project CEO Dr. Zhang Jie

Date:2020.07.28 Copyfrom:This station Hits:682

Project CEO Dr. Zhang Jie

He has many years of clinical experience. After joining Novartis International Pharmaceutical Group in 2000, he served as the director of Genome Center at Novartis Genomics Institute (GNF, San Diego, California, USA); at the end of 2012, he joined a Chinese medical diagnosis company as deputy general manager of R & D and international business. Since 2015, he has been the chief medical officer of a medical diagnosis, medical instrument and immunotherapy company in Beijing, and vice chairman of the precision Medicine Department of Wu Jieping medical foundation.

In terms of new drug R & D and management, based on the concept of global R & D integration of Novartis, Dr. Zhang Jie worked in the genomic center of Novartis Core) has participated in a number of global new drug R & D projects in the past 13 years. The research and development of new drugs involves the application of the latest molecular biology technology in the fields of therapeutic targets, drug pathways, efficacy evaluation, cell toxicology and animal toxicology at the gene level.

Dr. Zhang Jie is an interdisciplinary talent who is familiar with the operation mode of pharmaceutical enterprises in China, Europe and the United States, and has the ability and quality of formulating and implementing enterprise strategic planning, establishing and promoting business model, innovation and industrialization of medical technology, etc.

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